How To Judge If The Fuse Is Burnt
Cutout fuse burnt can be judged by the following methods:
Observe the power outage: If the device or circuit suddenly loses power, it may be caused by a blown fuse. At this time, the fuse related to the power-off device or circuit should be checked.
Appearance inspection:
Observe whether the fuse is intact: A normal fuse should be intact without obvious cracks, burns or deformation. If the metal wire of the fuse is found to be broken, melted or has a black burnt area, it is likely that it is damaged.
Smell judgment: When the fuse burns, there is usually a burnt smell. If there is a burnt smell, it may be that the fuse has burned out.
Measure with a multimeter: Set the multimeter to the resistance range, and then touch the test leads to the two ends of the fuse. If the resistance value is infinite, it means that the fuse has blown; if the resistance value is close to zero or within the normal range, it means that the fuse is normal.
Circuit working status judgment:
If the circuit equipment connected to the fuse cannot work properly, but other related components are normal, then you need to consider whether there is a problem with the fuse.
When judging the fuse status, make sure that the circuit is in a power-off state to avoid the risk of electric shock.
Choosing fuses of appropriate specifications and quality is also an important part of ensuring circuit safety. Different circuits and equipment need to match fuses of corresponding current and voltage levels.
Through the above methods, you can effectively judge whether the fuse is burned out, so as to take corresponding maintenance measures in time.